Sebenarnya Linux Slackware 14 sudah rilis beberapa hari yang lalu tapi saya baru menulis sekarang di blog ini hehe... Sesuai tulisan Om Alien disini. Lantas apa yang baru dari Slackware 14 ini? Menurut situs resmi Slackware yakni juga Om Alien bahwa Slackware 14 memakai DE KDE 4.8.5, dan XFCE 4.10 juga kernel 3.2.29. Berikut kutipan lengkapnya yang saya ambil dari Blog Pak Willy
- Linux Kernel 3.2.29, a long-term stable kernel that are now maintained by Ben Hutchings.
- Glibc 2.15 which are solid and well-tested library that is compatible to all binaries included in Slackware 14.0
- GCC 4.7.1 compiler that comes with all the flavors you all love, C/C++, Fortran, Ada, Obj C, Java, and Go.
- Modular XOrg X11R7.7 which is recently released
- Support for NetworkManager to ease user's job to configure wired/wireless configuration with wicd still available on extra/ directory for those who wanted to use the traditional Slackware networking scripts
- Apache 2.4.3, PHP 5.4.7, and MySQL 5.5.27 for web development along with browser gallore, Firefox 15.0.1, Seamonkey 2.12.1, and Konqueror 4.8.5 with an option to build Google Chrome using the SlackBuild provided in extra/
- Support most kinds of development languages which are updated such as Perl 5.16.1, Python 2.7.3, Ruby 1.9.3-p194, Subversion 1.7.6, git-, mercurial-2.2.2, and many more
- HAL removal and replaced with newer udev which works well and ease users to plug any USB-based hardware and ready to go without hassling with mount or umount commands
- KDE 4.8.5 and XFCE 4.10.0 as the big desktop environments along with many minimalist desktop environment still available
- All GTK+ based applications has been updated to the latest one, such as Pidgin 2.10.6, GIMP 2.8.2, gkrellm-2.3.5, xchat-2.8.8, xsane-0.998, and pan-0.139
- and many more. See CHANGES_AND_HINTS for more information
Untuk mendapatkan installer Slackware 14 (ISO) bisa diunduh dari UKDW ISO SERVER. Saran saya untuk yang menggunakan Slackware bergabung saja di Google Group Slackware-Indonesia supaya jika kita menemui masalah dapat dibantu bersama pengguna Slackware lainnya dan sering-sering saja mampir ke SlackBlogs Pak Willy untuk mendapat berita terbaru mengenai Slackware.
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